SMW Consultants Ky
Toiminnan kuvaus
In addition to providing high quality medical writing of all type, SMW provides assistance in the three other critical areas of medical research: a) study design, b) getting funding, and c) analysis and interpretation of your results. Our expertise is based on long-term experience of a recognised international scientist, who has personally published over 760 original papers, reviews and book chapters, over 470 other scientific communications (abstracts, etc.) in international journals, books and in congresses, as well as edited and authored 4 renowned textbooks. This practical experience spanning over 30-year period as active researcher, research leader and research administrator cannot be substituted by any other training. The leading principle in our work is the goal towards scientific excellence in all our services.
Hakua helpottavat sanat
konsultit, konsulttipalvelut, konsultointipalvelut, konsultti, neuvontapalvelut, lääketieteen tutkimus, lääketieteen konsultointi, lääketieteen tutkimus